…at 14:00 ..listen carefully … once finished listen to

The two go hand and hand …for those who ponder we will be able to cultivate our children properly upon Quran wa Sunnah and Insha’Allah use these as guidelines in understanding our spouse and His makeup and how he was cultivated as well as dissecting self , where we come from and who we are striving to become. May these reminders be as great a benefit for you as they are for me Allahumma Ameen

Nine things will give you benefits everyday** — Maktabah Ibn Uthaymeen Publication

*Nine things will give you benefits everyday** 1/ تريد السعاده = صل الصلاة في وقتها. 1/If you seek happiness: Offer salaa on time. I’m 2/ تريد نور الوجه = بقيام الليل. 2/ If you want light on your face: Rise up for tahajjud in the night. 3/ تريد الطمئنينة = عليك بترتيل القرآن. 3/If you […]

via Nine things will give you benefits everyday** — Maktabah Ibn Uthaymeen Publication